Building the Best New Year's Goals

As a year comes to an end and a new year begins, many find themselves setting goals and resolutions to make changes and accomplish new things going forward. I’ve always loved this tradition because it feels like a fresh start and even if your goals are not all completed the way you had hoped, setting them can also provide perspective on what matters most to you in life.

It can be hard to write out what you want to do or who you want to be on paper. A good way to approach our goals without placing tremendous weight on them is to picture your dream life and describe it to yourself in detail. What do you look like? Where are you living? What job do you have? Are you in a relationship? What do you prioritize? What kind of person are you? Diving deep into these questions and visualizing your ideal self will allow you to break down what you need to get to that ideal life.

For example, maybe in your dream life you own a coffee shop on the beach. Some goals you can set to move yourself closer to that vision would be to save up X amount of money so you can plan on moving closer to the beach. You could create a goal to work part time at a local coffee shop to pick up some knowledge on running one. Creating small goals to step towards your overarching ones are what gets life moving in the right direction.

It is also important to reflect on the root of certain goals you set for yourself. Some may not have good intentions or may not have your best interest in mind. For example a weight loss goal that is rooted in disordered eating, body dysmorphia and trying to accommodate societal pressures surrounding body image may not be the best new years goal. A goal to exercise more and eat foods that nourish you is a better approach with the intention of taking care of yourself out of love for your body.

Setting goals for yourself can be a challenge but working with someone who can guide you in setting goals that align with your vision can set you up for success. If you would like to schedule a quick end of year session to set some goals for the new year, send me an email to !

Thank you all so much for your support of this blog and my small business. My clients are the roots of Nutrikay Wellness and we would not be where we are today without all of you! In honor of the new year, I would like to share some goals I am setting for Nutrikay Wellness in 2024:

  1. Make more connections and network with more providers in the wellness industry

  2. Hit 80 sessions per month to reach more individuals and work towards opening my practice full time

  3. Launch a group program to reach those who work better with the support of others

  4. Expand blog and partner with brands to get my followers discounted goods

  5. Get a specialty certification to provide my clients with even more in-depth nutrition education

Wishing you all a successful, peaceful and joy-filled new year!


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