All About Creatine

If you are in the fitness world you may have heard of the influx of individuals taking the supplement, creatine. Many fitness professionals and those within the health industry rave about the benefits of taking creatine, especially in relation to increasing muscle and physical performance.

But what is creatine and what are the actual benefits?

Creatine is a natural energy supply that helps to keep your muscles working properly both while exercising and while moving throughout the day.

You can get creatine naturally through protein-rich food sources such as chicken, beef, fish and pork. You also produce creatine naturally in your liver which accounts for about half of your creatine needs.

If you find that you aren’t getting enough creatine in your diet you can add a creatine supplement into your diet.

Some of the benefits to increasing your creatine include increased energy, strength, performance as well as cognitive improvements like memory and reasoning.

Creatine is a supplement that should be taken daily alongside an increase in water and electrolytes.

As always consult with your primary care provider about adding a creatine supplement into your regiment before doing so.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can increase creatine in your diet and improve your physical performance with nutrition, send an email to to book a session today!


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